now playing: EDEN - gold (unofficial instrumental ver.; slowed)


A userscript is a program, usually written in JavaScript, for modifying web pages to augment browsing. they add new features or make websites easier to use.

these are some of the scripts that i've written.

a brief installation guide can be found at the bottom of this page.

generalized quickswitcher

version: 1.1 · download

this adds a nifty lil' input field to many wikis, which takes you the page whose name you enter. visit the minecraft wiki, press ctrl-k, type Gravel, and off you go. when your input begins with a hash (e.g. #History), you'll jump to that section on the current page.

on services like miraheze or where wikis are placed at subdomains, all wikis are automatically supported :D

the list of websites this script works is stored in an array near the top of the code. by adding a child object to it, you can make the quickswitcher work on more websites.

adding your own wiki 101: what goes in the JSON object?
  • hostname: domain of the wiki (ex. "hostname": "")
  • type: usually just "static" if your domain only hosts one wiki. however: sometimes multiple wikis live under the same domain name, like on the yume nikki wiki ( or on wikipedia ( use "type": "subfolder" and "type": "subdomain" respectively for these cases.
  • format: (optional) the full url of a wiki page, with <page> as a placeholder for the page's name. ex. "format": "<page>". if format is unspecified, will use a default format depending on the type specified:
    • "static" type uses the format: "<page>"
    • "subdomain" type uses the format: "https://<wiki><page>"
    • "subfolder" type uses the format: "<wiki>/wiki/page"

better <title> for bandcamp

version: 0.2.1 · download

this adds information to the title of a bandcamp tab about the currently playing song.

browser tab with track number, title, album name, and artist name of a played song

the format is somewhat customizable: open the userscript and see for yourself.

bandcamp album length

version: 0.1.1 · download

this script just calculates the length of a bandcamp album and displays it next to the artist name. pretty simple.

direct download on newgrounds audio

version: 1.2.1 · download

this adds a second, discolored download button to audio on newgrounds. it leads directly to the file's url, skipping newgrounds's download thingy and even letting you download songs you couldn't otherwise.

newgrounds's audio player with a green download button next to the default one

note that the url is generated when the song is first uploaded, so if its name later changes, then the new download button won't work.

this also makes the volume slider open/close automatically, and replaces the speaker icon with a percentage.

tumblr thingy

version: 0.4 · download

when viewing a post on the dashboard, replaces the author's (redundantly repeated) username with a link to view the post in Blog View (the one with custom html).

View this page in Blog View /

Zoo API Key display

version: · download

zoo is a discord idle game created by GD Colon. players of the game collect animals and build up a zoo. each zoo can be viewed in an online view (here's mine!).

when the passive item "API Key" is equipped, additional information about the player's zoo appears in the API. this userscript shows the data, which is normally not displayed, in the online view.

bonus: cheats

cheats for video games. i made these for fun.


version: 1.1.1 · download

back in 2019, gd colon made a terrible and comedic ui for entering your phone number. BadUIHax™ enters your phone number for you, completely skipping colon's gauntlet of deadly terror. press ctrl-f10 to use it.


version: 0.3 · download

this is a game where you add 1 to a number over and over. it's framed as if you're climbing a ladder, with you taking a step each time you add a number. miscalculate, and you quote-on-quote "fall", bringing you back to zero.

the script automates the climbing for you, making it so you no longer have to play the game. an analogy that fits the game's theming would be if you wore doodle jump boots, or had a spring in your step or something.

BONUS ROUND: you can even set a target for the incrementor! automatically climb to 69, then automatically stop. living has never been easier.

installation crash course

  1. install the tampermonkey add-on (or "extension" or whatever).
  2. click on the add-on, then on Create a new script….
  3. delete the code that's already in there, then paste in the script you want to use.
  4. save with ctrl-s.

if you want to disable the script later:

  1. visit the website the script was made for.
  2. click on the add-on, then use the toggle slider to disable the script.